Why Mars is Called the ‘Red Planet’ | Complete Guide

Written By: Shreelakshmi Content Writer @Tutorschool
February 25, 2025

Why Mars is called the 'Red Planet'

Have you ever wondered why Mars shines with such a brilliant red in the star-studded sky? Mars has chosen this color, and among all its counterparts in the solar system, it is unique and holds a title completely unto itself Red Planet. But why do they call it the Red Planet? What makes it different from Earth and the other planets? 

Mars has kept its awe-feeling very much alive and interesting over the ages and across every domain, be it scientists, astronomers, or storytellers. Its bright red color makes it among the most easily identifiable planets in the night sky. It so fascinated the ancient civilizations that they associated it with their gods of war and believed that its fiery tint meant power and aggression. Today, however, thanks to advanced space technology and cutting-edge rovers to Mars surf, the answers to its red appearance have scientific explanations. Yet, much remained to be learned about the new world. 

This guide will take you from the reasons why to call Mars the Red Planet, into the depths of the surface secrets, and its relevance in science and popular culture. If you are a space freak or the typical curious dweller of Earth interested in the wonders of our solar system, this comprehensive guide will lead you into the exciting world of Mars planet.

What is the ‘Red Planet’?

Mars is known as the Red Planet. What causes such specific coloring? Unlike how Earth is blue and green due to water and vegetation, Mars is mainly dusted with iron-rich dust. This iron reacts with oxygen and forms iron oxide, aka rust. This rust-like material reflects light in such a way that other sides of the Earth see Mars planet as red.

People of antiquity have noticed the surrounding red color and have ever related it with the war and hostility of Mars planet. In Roman mythology, they associate Mars with the god of war, while in Hinduism mars is called mangal(energy and power)

Here is why Mars is called the Red planet

1. The Science Behind the Red Color

The red planet(Mars) has been named so primarily due to the iron oxide or rust observed on its surface. The soil on the planet reacted with oxygen over billions of years, creating a very thin rusted covering on the surface, thus giving it its typical reddish color. Besides that, the thin atmosphere of Mars consists of dust particles that scatter sunlight and contribute to its reddish appearance. Unlike Earth where strong winds and flowing water wash out dust, Mars is solely dry and dusty, making the rust permanent.

2. Dust Storms and Their Effect on Mars’ Color

Dust storms contribute a great deal to maintaining Mars’ planet red. The dust storms, which may last for months, suspend fine iron-rich dust in the air, tinting the whole planet reddish. The storms, in a few instances, become so large that they engulf the entire Red Planet in the solar system, causing it to look even redder.

NASA rovers have taken photographs of how the dust again settles on the Mars surface, keeping the planet red in color.

3. Mars vs. Other Planets – A Unique Identity

Most people inquire, which planet is referred to as Red Planet. The reply is always Mars planet since there is no other planet with such a characteristic red color. Although Venus is veiled in dense clouds, and Jupiter features colorful bands, Mars differs because of its reddish surface.

The Surface of Mars – More Than Just Red

Although Mars’s surface is mostly red, it also has shades of brown, gold, and even blue in some areas. NASA’s rovers have captured images revealing diverse landscapes, including:

  • Volcano Olympus Mons stands tall, as the largest in the solar system.
  • Valles Marineris is a 4,000 km-long canyon system. 
  • Polar Ice Caps are made of frozen water and dry ice at this place. 

These features prove Mars a wonderful place to study. Scientists are of the view that billions of years ago, there might have been some sort of liquid water standing on Mars’s surface, whereas others speculate that some microbial life may exist even now, buried under its surface.

Scientists Who Have Studied Mars

Several scientists and space agencies have contributed significantly to our understanding of Mars planet. Some notable names include:

  • Galileo Galilei was one of the pioneers in astronomy who got to see the Martian planet directly through the telescope. 
  • Percival Lowell was a theorist looking for evidence of Martian canals that would trigger enthusiasm for alien life. 
  • Carl Sagan The most prominent scientist studying the significance of life on the surface of Mars. 
  • Elon Musk – Founder, of America-based SpaceX which is on an expedition to colonize the Red Planet. 
  • NASA and the Scientists of ISRO: These have been the missions of the Mars Rover Program and India’s Mangalyaan. 

These scientists and organizations are involved in the scientific mission to determine what a planet called the Red Planet holds in store with its past and future.

Is there any possibility that Humans can Live on Mars?

One of the biggest questions surrounding the Red Planet is whether humans could ever settle there. Scientists and engineers are working on:

  • Building sustainable habitats with radiation protection
  • Growing food in Martian soil using hydroponics
  • Creating oxygen from Mars’ atmosphere using advanced technology
  • Developing spacecraft that can transport humans safely

Of course, this is despite the many challenges present on Mars, such as severe cold and non-breathable air. However, the likes of SpaceX are determined to make it feasible for humans to colonize Mars as soon as possible, making the dream of breathing on the red planet much closer to reality.

The Mystery of the Red Planet in Popular Culture

The Red Planet’s appeal is not only scientific but has also inspired thousands of books, films, and legends.

  • The movie “Movie The Red Planet” in 2000 envisioned a future where the human race attempted to colonize Mars planet.
  • Martian and alien life stories have been popular for decades.
  • NASA and SpaceX are pushing toward actual Mars missions to render human colonization a reality.

To explore the Red Planet, we just wish the increasingly detailed understanding could culminate in our glad arrival.


This amazing reddish glow of the planet Mars makes it one of the most exciting celestial bodies in the whole solar system. Iron-rich soil, recurrent dust storms, and a thin atmosphere are what gives Mars its nickname of the Red Planet.

Humans have gazed at the Red Planet for thousands of years, each one wondering whether it contains secrets of his past or his future. The probing of Mars continues with space missions sending scientists to learn more about its surface so that more can be found about its history, geology, and potential habitability. Advances in spaceships mean that we are closer than at any time in the past to a better understanding of whether the Red Planet could support human life one day. 

With SpaceX planning to send people to the Red Planet, the dream of setting foot on Mars might soon become true. This journey is far from over, whether it might be for scientific discovery or future colonization: Into the depths of understanding what is the Red Planet. Would you love to sojourn into the Red Planet someday? The journey of discovery about what truly the Red Planet is all about has just begun!


Why is Mars called the Red Planet?

Due to iron oxide (rust) on its surface, giving it a reddish appearance.

What chemical makes Mars red?

Iron oxide (rust) is responsible for Mars’ red color.

Why is Mars called the Red Planet? (Mind Map)
  • Iron oxide covers the surface.
  • A thin atmosphere allows oxidation.
  • Reddish hue seen from Earth.
  • Named after the Roman god of war.
What is the hottest planet?

Venus is the hottest planet, with surface temperatures around 467°C (872°F) due to a strong greenhouse effect.

Is Mars a dead planet?

Mars is geologically inactive with no plate tectonics, but traces of methane and water ice suggest past activity.

What are 5 facts about Mars?
  • Thin atmosphere (mostly COâ‚‚).
  • Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system.
  • Evidence of past water in dried-up riverbeds.
  • Two moons: Phobos and Deimos.
  • Massive dust storms that can last for months.

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