World Forestry Day 2025 | International Day Of Forests

Written By: Abhishek Kumar Content Writer @ Tutorschool
March 6, 2025
International Day Of Forests

Introduction: The Pulse of Life for Earth’s Forests

Our world’s lungs are the forests, but their existence is at risk. On the eve of World Forestry Day 2025 (International Day of Forests), there is never such an imperative as there is today to safeguard these worlds. We will start with dismal statistics:

31% of the land on Earth is forested, yet we are losing 10 million hectares each year to deforestation—27 soccer fields per minute (FAO, 2023).

80% of all terrestrial biodiversity lives in forests, but 1 million species are threatened with extinction through habitat loss (IPBES, 2019).

They remove 2.6 billion tonnes of CO2 annually, offsetting 30% of emissions caused by humans (Global Forest Watch, 2023).

More than 1.6 billion individuals depend on forests for livelihoods, food, and medicine (World Bank, 2022).

These statistics highlight why World Forestry Day, celebrated on March 21 every year, is an international call to action.

The History of World Forestry Day

World Forestry Day was created in 2012 by the United Nations General Assembly. It raises awareness of the many roles played by forests. The day, March 21, represents the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, a season of renewal. Every year, the UN releases a theme to focus international efforts. Previous themes such as “Forests and Health” (2023) and “Forests and Innovation” (2024) have highlighted key intersections of forests and human health. Though the 2025 theme is yet to be announced, professionals predict a concentration on “Forests and Climate Resilience” or “Indigenous Stewardship” in line with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030).

Why Forests Matter: Pillars of Life

1. Environmental Guardians

Forests regulate the climate, filter water and air, and mitigate soil erosion. The Amazon alone contains 150-200 billion tonnes of carbon—5 years’ worth of emissions worldwide (NASA, 2023). Mangroves lower coastal flood risks for 18 million people per year (WWF, 2022).

2. Cultural and Social Sanctuaries

Indigenous peoples, who protect 36% of pristine forests, consider forests as their ancestral homelands. Indian sacred groves and Amazonian shamanism emphasize the sacred nature of forests (UN, 2021).

Threats Facing Forests in 2025

Deforestation and Land Use Transitions

75% of deforestation is driven by agriculture, particularly soy, palm oil, and cattle ranching. The Amazon experienced a 15% rise in deforestation in 2023, losing 1.5 million hectares (INPE, 2023).

Deforestation directly leads to soil degradation. With the removal of forests, the soil exposed becomes more susceptible to erosion, nutrient loss, and organic matter loss, and therefore becomes less productive in the long run.

Climate Change Feedback Loops

Rising temperatures intensify wildfires—Australia’s 2019–2020 bushfires released 900 million tonnes of CO2. Beetle outbreaks, fueled by warmer winters, have killed 45 million acres of North American forests since 2000 (USDA, 2023).

Illegal Logging and Corruption

Illegal logging constitutes 15–30% of global timber trade, robbing governments of $10–15 billion per year (INTERPOL, 2022).

Global Solutions and Initiatives

International Agreements

The Paris Agreement brings together forest conservation through REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation).

The New York Declaration on Forests is to cut deforestation by half by 2025 and eliminate it by 2030.

Technological Innovations

Satellite tracking (e.g., Global Forest Watch) monitors deforestation in real time.

AI-powered reforestation drones plant 400,000 trees a day in Myanmar and Brazil (BioCarbon Engineering, 2024).

Community-Led Conservation

Costa Rica stopped deforestation through Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), doubling forest cover from 21% (1987) to 60% (2023).

How You Can Celebrate World Forestry Day 2025

Plant a Tree: Participate in international efforts such as the Trillion Tree Initiative.

Advocate: Encourage policies prohibiting single-use plastics or promoting sustainable forestry.

Educate: Organize workshops on forest ecosystems or show films such as “The Hidden Life of Trees”.

Support Indigenous Rights: Give to groups such as Amazon Watch or Survival International.

The Road Ahead: A Call to Action

By 2030, rehabilitating 350 million hectares of degraded lands may remove 1.7 billion tonnes of CO2 annually (IUCN, 2023). World Forestry Day 2025 is a call to action for governments, the private sector, and civil society to join hands. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres exhorted, “Our future is bound to the survival of forests.”

Final Thoughts

Forests are not mere groups of trees—they are life-supporting systems. This World Forestry Day 2025, let us commit to safeguarding them through innovation, advocacy, and collective action. The time is now.

Forest Day 2025

Theme: Forests and Food

Date: March 21st

Also referred to as: International Day of Forests

Emphasis: Highlighting the relationship between forests and food production

World Forest Day

Date: March 21st

It focuses on raising awareness about the importance of forests in making the environment sustainable, ensuring food security, and eliminating poverty.

Quotes for World Forest Day
  • “Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people.” — Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • “When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and hope.” — Wangari Maathai
  • “The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness.” — John Muir
  • “The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Deforestation is changing our climate, harming people and the natural world. We must, and can reverse this trend.” — Jane Goodall
Rainforest Day

Date: June 22nd

World Rainforest Day is a celebration of the significance of rainforests and a call to action to help preserve them.

Van Mahotsav

Meaning: “Forest Festival”

Celebration Period: First week of July

Purpose: A seven-day tree-planting festival in India that encourages afforestation.

  • Plant a tree, make the earth pollution-free
  • Save trees and live a better and healthy life
  • Trees are our natural friends and caretakers
  • Plant a tree, set nature free!
  • Embrace the green, a healthier scene!
  • Be a tree lover, help nature recover!
  • Plant and nurture, let our environment flourish!
  • For a greener earth, let trees have their birth!
  • Tree by tree, make our world glee!
  • Save Earth, plant a tree

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